– 公司计划利用新发布的这一款 IGBT 产品扩大在全球太阳能市场的份额


韩国首尔,2022 6 17 – Magnachip Semiconductor Corporation(以下简称“美格纳”)(NYSE:MX)当日宣布,公司已发布适用于太阳能逆变器的新款 650V 绝缘栅双极晶体管 (IGBT)。


美格纳发布适用于太阳能逆变器的新款 650V IGBT
美格纳发布适用于太阳能逆变器的新款 650V IGBT


随着气候变化对环境的影响越来越严重,为了减少碳排放,全球对像太阳能这样的可再生能源的使用不断扩大。根据市调机构 Omdia 的估算,可再生能源领域的全球 IGBT 市场从 2022 年到 2025 年将每年增长 15%。在 2022 年 3 月,美格纳开发出新款 650V IGBT,此款产品基于先进的“场截止沟槽技术”而打造,具备较快的转换速度和较高的击穿电压,公司将于本月开始量产这款产品。

由于采用了最新的技术,与上一代产品相比,此新款 650V IGBT 的电流密度性能提高了 30%。此外,这一款 IGBT 设计为提供最低 5 微秒的耐受短路时间,由于其正温度系数,因而进行了并联转换优化。此款 IGBT 的并联转换将提高负载电流,因而将提高最大输出功率。

此外,650V IGBT 采用二极管并联量测技术,可实现快速转换和低转换损耗,同时保证最高 175°C 的工作结温。根据电子设备工程联合委员会 (JEDEC) 发布的标准,此新款 IGBT 可以广泛用于需要严格功率水平和高效率的各种应用,例如太阳能升压逆变器和转换器、不间断电源和通用电源逆变器。

“美格纳的首款 IGBT 产品发布于 2013 年,自那之后,我们一直致力于为各种市场开发高效率的产品,同时强化我们在全球的地位,”美格纳首席执行官 YJ Kim 说。“通过此新款产品,我们将进一步加强为环保可再生能源市场提供高性能产品的目标。”


美格面向太能市 IGBT

VCES [V] IC [A] TC=100 封装
MBQ75T65P 650V 75A TO-247
MBQ40T120Q 1200V 40A TO-247



电源解决方案 – IGBT Chip for Standard Module



美格纳是模拟和混合信号半导体平台解决方案的设计与制造企业,方案适用于通信、物联网、消费类电子产品、工业和汽车应用等诸多领域。公司为全球客户提供广泛的标准产品。美格纳的经营历史已超过 40 年,并拥有1,150 项已注册专利和正在申请的专利,具备丰富的工程、设计和制造工艺技术经验。欲了解更多详情,请访问 www.magnachip.com/cn。美格纳网站上的信息未包含在本新闻稿中。



Yujia Zhai
The Bueshirt Group
Tel. +1-860-214-0809
Mike Newsom
LouVan Communications, Inc.
Tel. +1-617-803-5385
Tel. +82-2-6903-3211


– 40V MOSFET 的低 RDS(on) 有助于高效控制 BLDC 电机

– 美格纳扩展汽车业务,旨在提高全球市场份额


韩国首尔,2022 年 4 月 28 日 – Magnachip Semiconductor Corporation(以下简称“美格纳”)(NYSE:MX)当日宣布,公司发布了一款新型 40V 金属氧化物半导体场效应晶体管 (MOSFET),可供在汽车应用中用于控制无刷直流 (BLDC) 电机。


美格纳推出在汽车应用中用于控制 BLDC 电机的新型 40V MOSFET
美格纳推出在汽车应用中用于控制 BLDC 电机的新型 40V MOSFET


鉴于对全球气候变化的担忧和为降低碳排放而做出的努力,电动汽车 (EV) 市场预计将会显著增长。根据市调机构 Omdia 的估算,全球电动汽车市场预计在 2022 年到 2025 年期间将每年增长 27%。因此,对用于电动汽车的高效且耐用的 BLDC 电机的需求将会提高,而中压 (MV) MOSFET 对于确保 BLDC 电机高效运行非常重要。美格纳开发了一款具备较低 RDS(on)* 的新型 40V MOSFET,可降低汽车 BLDC 电机的导通损耗,公司已于 2022 年 4 月开始量产这款新型 MOSFET。

汽车半导体的可靠性对于车辆安全至关重要,新型 40V MOSFET 已完全通过 AEC-Q101(汽车电子协会-Q101)认证。这款新产品的首次应用客户即是一家全球性汽车制造商,用于控制其新电动车型的电动水泵。此款 MOSFET 也适合各种 BLDC 应用,例如电动油泵、发动机冷却风扇、电动助力转向系统和电池冷却风扇等。

美格纳持续开发新的产品和先进的技术,以期扩大其在汽车半导体领域的市场份额。尽管由于疫情的原因,全球供应链中断,影响了汽车半导体行业,而据预测这一局面会持续到 2023 年,但作为集成设备制造商的美格纳仍成为电源半导体产品的稳定供应商。

“汽车领域中电动机和内燃机市场的竞争相比以往更为激烈,对高性能 MV MOSFET 的需要正在快速增长,”美格纳首席执行官 YJ Kim 说。“因此,我们正在开拓全球市场,相信这款新型 40V MOSFET 的发布将帮助我们取得更大的市场份额。”

* RDS(on):通态电阻,即 MOSFET 在通态运行期间漏极与源极之间的电阻值






美格纳是模拟和混合信号半导体平台解决方案的设计与制造企业,方案适用于通信、物联网、消费类电子产品、工业和汽车应用等诸多领域。公司为全球客户提供广泛的标准产品。美格纳的经营历史已超过 40 年,并拥有1,150 项已注册专利和正在申请的专利,具备丰富的工程、设计和制造工艺技术经验。欲了解更多详情,请访问 www.magnachip.com/cn。美格纳网站上的信息未包含在本新闻稿中。




Yujia Zhai
The Blueshirt Group
Tel. +1-860-214-0809


So-Yeon Jeong
Jeong Consulting
Tel. +1-408-712-6151


Mike Newsom
LouVan Communications, Inc.
Tel. +1-617-803-5385


Senior manager of Public Relations
Tel. +82-2-6903-5223




韩国首尔,2022 年 3 月 15 日 – Magnachip Semiconductor Corporation(以下简称“美格纳”)(NYSE:MX)当日宣布,公司发布了一款面向各种应用的同步升压转换器,适用于 SSD 的 NAND 闪存、OLED 面板、蓝牙扬声器等。





全新推出的转换器的重要特点是可将静态电流降低至 1.5mA,而目前市场上销售的异步升压转换器最多可将静态电流降低至 2mA。美格纳之所以达到这一性能,是因为采用了低电阻高端和低端同步开关。此外,当升压转换器关闭时,内置的隔离开关可防止输入电压通过输出引脚发生泄漏。并且可以通过控制外部电容和电阻值,对软启动时间进行编程。上述措施可降低浪涌电流,确保向外部电路稳定供电。

此款同步升压转换器采用 2.5mm x 2.5mm 的小型双平面无铅封装 (DFN),还提供强大的电路保护功能,包括过流和过压保护、过热关机、快速放电功能和欠压锁定。此款转换器工作时的开关频率为 1.2MHz,可外接小型 4.7µH 电感。这样,印刷电路板 (PCB) 的尺寸也将变小。

此外,这款产品的封装技术满足无卤素要求,并符合“电气电子设备中某些有害物质使用限制”(RoHS) – 这是美格纳对于提供环保且可持续的半导体产品的另一项承诺。

美格纳首席执行官 YJ Kim 称:“在过去的 10 年中,美格纳开发出用于电视、照明、显示面板、移动设备和 IT 设备的各种电源解决方案。” “基于我们已获得认可的技术实力,我们将继续向产品中整合各种功能,例如降压、升压、多通道、运算放大器和开关 IC 集成到产品中,并扩展我们的下一代集成电源管理 IC 产品组合。”



DC-DC Conversions



美格纳是模拟和混合信号半导体平台解决方案的设计与制造企业,方案适用于通信、物联网、消费类电子产品、计算、工业和汽车应用等诸多领域。 公司为全球客户提供广泛的标准产品。美格纳的经营历史已超过 40 年,并拥有1,150 项已注册专利和正在申请的专利,具备丰富的工程、设计和制造工艺技术经验。欲了解更多详情,请访问 www.magnachip.com/cn。美格纳网站上的信息未包含在本新闻稿中。



So-Yeon Jeong
Jeong Consulting
Tel. +1-408-712-6151
Mike Newsom
LouVan Communications, Inc.
Tel. +1-617-803-5385
Tel. +82-2-6903-5223


韩国首尔,2022 年 1 月 13 日 – Magnachip Semiconductor Corporation(以下简称“美格纳”)(NYSE:MX)当日宣布,公司发布了 11 种新一代高压 600V 超结金属氧化物半导体场效应晶体管 (SJ MOSFET)。公司已发布了产品样品,并计划于 2022 年 3 月开始量产这些产品。

11 种新一代高压 600V 超结金属氧化物半导体场效应晶体管 (SJ MOSFET)
11 种新一代高压 600V 超结金属氧化物半导体场效应晶体管 (SJ MOSFET)


新推出的2.5 代 (2.5G) 600V SJ MOSFET 以最新工艺为基础,采用全新的设计进行开发,相比前一代产品,能够将开关功效提高 10% 以上。凭借这样的技术进步,美格纳产品实现了更低的开关损耗和更高的电源效率。为了满足实际应用中对于防止高静电放电 (ESD) 的需求,通过在栅极和源极之间嵌入齐纳二极管,避免了MOSFET 受到外部浪涌(电压)或静电放电的损坏。

新的 600V SJ MOSFET 产品系列支持 190 至 580 mOhm 的 Rds(on)(漏源通态电阻),并采用标准封装形式,例如 DPAK、TO-220F 和 TO-220SF。因此,这些新的 2.5G 产品可以广泛用于各种产品和应用,包括电视、光照基础设施、快速充电器、适配器、PC 电源和工业电源。此外,也适用于硬开关和软开关拓扑结构。

美格纳在过去的 10 年中一直提供高性能 MOSFET 产品。自 2013 年首次发布 SJ MOSFET 以来,累计发货量已达 20 亿片。美格纳已为全球主要电视机制造商供应了最新旗舰 600V SJ MOSFET 产品,巩固了公司在 SJ MOSFET 市场中的竞争优势。最近,韩国主要电视机制造商发布了高端机型,这促进了对 MOSFET 的需求,预计此需求将随着高端电视机市场的发展而显著增加。

美格纳首席执行官 YJ Kim 表示: “凭借经行业检验的技术和产品,美格纳既满足了消费者,也满足了工业市场的最新设计要求。我们将继续开发前沿的电源解决方案,例如面向汽车的高压 SJ MOSFET,以扩展我们的产品组合,并为更多应用提供新的功能。”






美格纳是模拟和混合信号半导体平台解决方案的设计与制造企业,方案适用于通信、物联网、消费类电子产品、计算、工业和汽车应用等诸多领域。公司为全球客户提供广泛的标准产品。美格纳的经营历史已超过 40 年,并拥有1,150 项已注册专利和正在申请的专利,具备丰富的工程、设计和制造工艺技术经验。欲了解更多详情,请访问 www.magnachip.com/cn。美格纳网站上的信息未包含在本新闻稿中。



United States (Investor Relations):
So-Yeon Jeong
Jeong Consulting
Tel. +1-408-712-6151
USA media / industry analysts:
Mike Newsom
LouVan Communications, Inc.
Tel. +1-617-803-5385
Korea / Asia media:
Senior manager of Public Relations
Tel. +82-2-6903-3392

更低的 Rss(on) 助力快速池充


韩国首尔,2022 年 1 月 12 日 – Magnachip Semiconductor Corporation(以下简称“美格纳”)(NYSE:MX)当日宣布,公司发布了新一代低压金属氧化物半导体场效应晶体管 (LV MOSFET),此系列产品可为智能手机电池保护电路模块 (PCM) 提供更低的 Rss(on)。

美格纳的新一代低压金属氧化物半导体场效应晶体管 (LV MOSFET)
美格纳的新一代低压金属氧化物半导体场效应晶体管 (LV MOSFET)


随着对高端 5G 和 LTE 智能手机需求的增加,更长的电池续航时间和更强的电池保护功能变得越来越重要。尤其5G 手机需要长续航和高耐用性的电池,以便快速下载和上传大量数据。美格纳开发了改善强度的新一代 LV MOSFET,此新一代产品能够延长电池续航时间并减少发热问题。美格纳已于上个月开始量产新款 6.5 代产品,该产品将用于全球主要智能手机制造商之一的 2022 新旗舰机型。

相比同样芯片尺寸的前一代版本,全新6.5 代产品的 Rss(on) 减小了 20%,从而有效降低电流损耗并改善散热效果。对电池进行快速充电时,这种更低的 Rss(on) 可以控制超过 25W 的高功率密度,以防止电池过热并保护 PCM。此外,升级后的静电放电 (ESD) 保护二极管进一步增强了 PCM 功能。基于对人体模型的测试,此二极管最高可防止 2 千伏的静电放电,这将加强电路保护并避免损坏其他智能手机组件。 新一代芯片不仅具有强大的电池保护功能,尺寸也显著变小,以便更好地满足多种智能手机的要求。

根据市调机构 Omdia 的数据,全球智能手机市场的销量在 2022 年会增长 6.3%,将超过 14 亿部。无线耳机市场也在快速增长,这将进一步推动对 LV MOSFET 需求的上升。美格纳在过去的 10 年中已售出超过 13 亿片 的LV MOSFET,以及超过 9 亿片用于电池 PCM 的 MOSFET。公司计划利用行业领先的经验和专业技术,巩固市场领导地位,以迎合高端 5G 智能手机市场的发展趋势。

美格纳首席执行官 YJ Kim 表示:“尽管当前全球面临芯片短缺的问题,但作为IDM企业,我们有信心为客户稳定供应全新6.5代产品 。我们将继续与现有客户保持紧密的合作,同时在全球拓展我们的市场。”

* Rss(on):通态电阻;即两个受保护的 MOSFET 在工作期间 (ON) 的源极之间电阻值



美格纳是模拟和混合信号半导体平台解决方案的设计与制造企业,方案适用于通信、物联网、消费类电子产品、计算、工业和汽车应用等诸多领域。 公司为全球客户提供广泛的标准产品。美格纳的经营历史已超过 40 年,并拥有1,150 项已注册专利和正在申请的专利,具备丰富的工程、设计和制造工艺技术经验。欲了解更多详情,请访问 www.magnachip.com/cn。美格纳网站上的信息未包含在本新闻稿中。



So-Yeon Jeong
Jeong Consulting
Tel. +1-408-712-6151
Mike Newsom
LouVan Communications, Inc.
Tel. +1-617-803-5385
Tel. +82-2-6903-5223


SEOUL, South Korea, March 15, 2021 — Magnachip Semiconductor Corporation (“Magnachip”) (NYSE: MX) announced today that the company has released a new Low-dropout (LDO) linear regulator featuring an ultra-fast transient response for a Universal Flash Storage (UFS)-based Multi-Chip Package (MCP).

UFS is an advanced version of an Embedded Multi-Media Controller (eMMC), which was developed for concurrent read and write performance at higher speeds. UFS-based MCP is a memory module that integrates UFS controller and memory ICs, such as DRAM or NAND flash. It is mainly used for the storage function in smartphones.

Magnachip’s LDO linear regulator is designed for the power supply of NAND flash in UFS-based MCP with an input voltage of up to 500mA. It reduces input noise with its power supply rejection ratio function, while providing a low-leakage current of 75uA in deep sleep mode, which will enhance battery life and power efficiency.

A key feature of this new product is ultra-fast transient response, minimizing output-voltage fluctuations. Frequent changes in voltage normally occur in UFS-based MCPs due to varying levels of read and write performance. However, ultra-fast transient response regulates these fluctuations to a steady state within 100 nanoseconds.

The line regulation and load regulation in UFS-based MCP is maintained at 0.2% and 0.5% respectively, which will guarantee stable power supply. In addition, the dropout voltage is as low as 0.3V, which makes the linear regulator perfect for low-power domain operations of batteries.

This linear regulator also ensures robust circuit protection, such as overcurrent protection, thermal shutdown and the power good signal, which indicates that all of the output voltages are within specification.

“The demand for advanced power ICs is growing as electronic devices become more sophisticated and have increasingly stringent requirements for stable and efficient power supply,” said YJ Kim, CEO of Magnachip. “We will continuously expand our Power IC portfolio by delivering premium products for a wide range of data storage applications.”


In the Media

Cision PR Newswire: news distribution, targeting and monitoring home     Magnachip Unveils LDO Linear Regulator Featuring Ultra-Fast Transient Response for UFS-Based Multi-Chip Packages

Yahoo Finance     Magnachip Unveils LDO Linear Regulator Featuring Ultra-Fast Transient Response for UFS-Based Multi-Chip Packages


About Magnachip Semiconductor

Magnachip is a designer and manufacturer of analog and mixed-signal semiconductor platform solutions for communications, IoT, consumer, industrial and automotive applications. The Company provides a broad range of standard products to customers worldwide. Magnachip, with more than 40 years of operating history, owns a portfolio of approximately 1,200 registered patents and pending applications, and has extensive engineering, design and manufacturing process expertise. For more information, please visit www.magnachip.com. Information on or accessible through Magnachip’s website is not a part of, and is not incorporated into, this release.


United States (Investor Relations):
So-Yeon Jeong
Head of Investor Relations
Tel. +1-408-712-6151
USA media / industry analysts:
Mike Newsom
LouVan Communications, Inc.
Tel. +1-617-803-5385
Korea / Asia media:
Senior manager of Public Relations
Tel. +82-2-6903-3392


SEOUL, South Korea, Dec. 17, 2020 — Magnachip Semiconductor Corporation (“Magnachip”) (NYSE: MX), announced today a new line of power management integrated circuit (PMIC) by introducing its first UHD display panel PMIC for laptops.

PMICs are integrated circuits that include multiple power management functions within a single chip, and they are frequently used to power space-constrained devices where high-efficient and compact form factors are required. They are essential for battery-operated devices since the battery life depends on the efficiency of the PMIC’s power management capabilities.

Magnachip entered the market ten years ago, and since then it has developed and delivered industry-leading PMIC products for a variety of applications, including BLU drivers for TVs and AC Directs for LED lighting. Today, Magnachip’s PMICs are widely recognized in the industry for their advanced technology and outstanding quality. The newly released UHD display panel PMIC for laptops incorporates the company’s latest PMIC technologies.

For instance, the new PMIC controls electricity consumption through I2C (Inter-Integrated Circuit) technology, which ensures that functions such as dynamic voltage management, on/off block, protection circuit fault flag and switching frequency transition in UHD display panels are performed seamlessly.

The new PMIC is a monolithic IC which includes one boost regulator for the power supply to source and gate drivers, three high-current buck regulators for power supply to a timing controller, two Op-Amp for gamma buffer and one each positive and negative charge pumps. This level of integration results in smaller and faster electronic circuits. Other features include fast transient response and enhanced circuit protection measures.

Therefore, the new PMIC can help address changes in current consumption and protects devices from damage with functions such as: over voltage protection, short circuit protection, under voltage lockout, over current detection, over current limit and thermal shutdown. In addition, the new PMIC also offers constant current mode and dynamic switching frequency, which gives product designers more flexibility in meeting specific requirements of application.

“PMIC design requires sophisticated technologies and we are proud to unveil our new PMIC for laptops, which incorporates our 10 years’ experience and technology leadership in the industry,” said YJ Kim, CEO of Magnachip. “Our product roadmap will include possible expansion of our portfolio to address specialized display requirements from the tablet and OLED TV manufacturers, both of which are high growth potential markets.”


In the Media

Cision PR Newswire: news distribution, targeting and monitoring home     MagnaChip Introduces First Power Management IC for Laptops with UHD Display Panels

Home     Power Management IC for laptops with UHD display panels



About Magnachip Semiconductor

Magnachip is a designer and manufacturer of analog and mixed-signal semiconductor platform solutions for communications, IoT, consumer, industrial and automotive applications. The Company provides a broad range of standard products to customers worldwide. With more than 40 years of operating history, Magnachip owns a portfolio of approximately 1,200 registered patents and pending applications, and has extensive engineering, design and manufacturing process expertise. Please visit www.magnachip.com for more information. Information on or accessible from Magnachip’s website is not a part of, and is not incorporated into, this release.


United States (Investor Relations):
So-Yeon Jeong
Head of Investor Relations
Tel. +1-408-712-6151
USA media / industry analysts:
Mike Newsom
LouVan Communications, Inc.
Tel. +1-617-803-5385
Korea / Asia media:
Chankeun Park
Director of Public Relations
Tel. +82-2-6903-5223


Expanded high-voltage product family targets TV, LED lighting and fast charger markets

SEOUL, South Korea, Dec. 3, 2020 — Magnachip Semiconductor Corporation (“Magnachip”) (NYSE: MX) today announced eight new 700V and 800V series high-voltage Super Junction Metal Oxide Semiconductor Field Effect Transistors (SJ MOSFETs), featuring high performance and efficiency and optimized for TV, LED lighting and fast charger applications.

Magnachip began SJ MOSFET development in 2013. Cumulative shipments have now reached 1.5 billion units, and the company’s flagship 600V SJ MOSFETs have been supplied to, among others, the world’s largest TV brands in Korea. Magnachip is now taking the next step by launching next generations of high-voltage SJ MOSFETs.

Magnachip entered the China market and is poised to expand its 700V product offerings to China’s leading TV manufacturers. Magnachip is taking this step to address market opportunities such as that described by OMDIA, a global market research firm, who ranked three Chinese TV manufacturers in the top five worldwide as of 3Q 2020, in terms of shipments.

The new 800V SJ MOSFETs are designed for indoor LED lighting, fast charger devices and other industrial applications that have high or unstable input voltages. They feature an embedded zener diode between gate and source in order to avoid damage from an external surge or electro-static discharge, thereby improving robustness and reliability. Further, Magnachip has reduced the total gate charge by 30 percent, compared to previous versions, which improves power efficiency and reduces switching loss. The new product family of 800V SJ MOSFETs is efficient and stable, satisfying the latest design requirements from customers.

“There is high demand for the 700V and 800V SJ MOSFETs, and we are pleased to introduce eight new products,” said YJ Kim, CEO of Magnachip. “These new product families will allow us to broaden our application coverage in consumer and industrial market segments. We are gratified by the customer response and will leverage our high-quality product line and technological leadership to expand our SJ MOSFET portfolio into other areas.”


In the Media

Cision PR Newswire: news distribution, targeting and monitoring home     MagnaChip Launches New High-Voltage 700V/800V Super Junction MOSFETs

Yahoo Finance     MagnaChip Launches New High-Voltage 700V/800V Super Junction MOSFETs

Electronic Design    Ruggedized 700/800-V Superjunction MOSFETs Target TV, LED Lighting, and Fast Charger Apps



About Magnachip Semiconductor

Magnachip is a designer and manufacturer of analog and mixed-signal semiconductor platform solutions for communications, IoT, consumer, industrial and automotive applications. The Company provides a broad range of standard products to customers worldwide. With more than 40 years of operating history, Magnachip owns a portfolio of approximately 1,200 registered patents and pending applications, and has extensive engineering, design and manufacturing process expertise. Please visit www.magnachip.com for more information. Information on or accessible from Magnachip’s website is not a part of, and is not incorporated into, this release.


United States (Investor Relations):
So-Yeon Jeong
Head of Investor Relations
Tel. +1-408-712-6151
USA media / industry analysts:
Mike Newsom
LouVan Communications, Inc.
Tel. +1-617-803-5385
Korea / Asia media:
Chankeun Park
Director of Public Relations
Tel. +82-2-6903-5223


SEOUL, South Korea, September 15, 2020 — Maganachip Semiconductor Corporation (“Maganachip” or the “Company”) (NYSE:MX) today announced the launch of two new LED Driver ICs for UHD TV BLU (Back Light Unit). The two new models are 1-channel and 2-channel products developed for mid-range UHD TVs. An essential component of LED display panels, a BLU LED Driver IC is a power semiconductor device that delivers consistent lighting across the LED display panel. It enables the BLU to adjust ambient light settings and generate a consistent image quality.

The new 1-channel and 2-channel products feature higher contrast ratio and improved power efficiency as a result of implementing a combined solution of analog and Pulse-width Modulation (PWM) dimming technologies. Dimming technology enables LEDs to vary intensity in order to suit the image characteristics and is crucial in achieving stable brightness adjustment. The new models also have diverse circuit protection functions including Short Circuit Protection, Under Voltage Lockout, Over-Duty Protection, Current-Sense Resistor Short Protection and Drain-Source Short Protection. These features provide a distinct advantage in protecting the main circuit by supplying consistent power and preventing a short circuit even under varying electrical flow conditions.

According to OMDIA, a global market research firm, UHD TV display panel shipments are expected to reach 160 million units in 2020, or approximates 57% of the whole TV panel market, and grow to about 195 million units by 2025, taking 69% of the TV panel market.

Maganachip has developed and produced power ICs for the television market for more than ten years now, and the technology has become one of the Company’s core competencies. In addition to the 3-channel BLU LED drivers for premium UHD TVs, Maganachip has now introduced these new 1-channel and 2-channel products to address the growing mid-range TV market. As a result, the Company features a full product line-up suitable for a wide range of TV models, which will strengthen the Company’s competitiveness in the BLU LED Driver IC market.

“By adding the new models to our product lineup, we are positioning ourselves to increase shipments and expand our share of the UHD TV BLU LED Driver IC market,” said YJ Kim, Chief Executive Officer of Maganachip. “We will continue to work closely with our customers in order to design and manufacture products that best meet their requirements.”


About Maganachip Semiconductor

Maganachip is a designer and manufacturer of analog and mixed-signal semiconductor platform solutions for communications, IoT, consumer, industrial and automotive applications. The Company provides a broad range of standard products to customers worldwide. With more than 40 years of operating history, Maganachip owns a portfolio of approximately 1,200 registered patents and pending applications, and has extensive engineering, design and manufacturing process expertise. Please visit www.maganachip.com for more information. Information on or accessible from Maganachip’s website is not a part of, and is not incorporated into, this release.


United States (Investor Relations):
So-Yeon Jeong
Head of Investor Relations
Tel. +1-408-712-6151
USA media / industry analysts:
Mike Newsom
LouVan Communications, Inc.
Tel. +1-617-803-5385
Korea / Asia media:
Chankeun Park
Director of Public Relations
Tel. +82-2-6903-5223


MagnaChip Launches New MOSFET to Enhance Protection for Wireless Earphones While Recharging

SEOUL, South Korea and SAN JOSE, Calif.


MagnaChip Semiconductor Corporation (“MagnaChip” or the “Company”) (NYSE: MX), a designer and manufacturer of analog and mixed-signal semiconductor products, announced today the company is entering the wireless earphone market with the introduction of a new MOSFET for wireless earphones for preventing the battery from overcharging. This MOSFET is designed to control excessive current flowing into wireless earphones while recharging the battery in order to protect wireless earphones from being damaged.

Since 2010, MagnaChip has been providing the world’s highest volume of MOSFETs for smartphone battery charging protection. MagnaChip expects that the Company’s place as the global leading supplier of MOSFETs will be solidified by virtue of increased demand in the variety of electronic products including wireless earphones.

In particular, it is the industry’s expectation that the size of the wireless earphone market may jump from 120 million units in 2019 to 230 million units in 2020, with subsequent annual growth rate as high as 90 percent.

The new MOSFET is designed to prevent damage to the delicate circuitry of the wireless earphone charging case by blocking excessive voltage from flowing to the charger. It also allows for highly-stable charging environment by blocking electrostatic discharge as high as 2kV from penetrating into the earphone charger, which often occurs during recharging. In addition to implementing strategies to increase the market share of MOSFETs for wireless earphones, MagnaChip is poised to expand the application of MOSFETs into wearable products such as smartwatches and VR (Virtual Reality) headsets.

Mr. Y.J. Kim, CEO of MagnaChip, said: “The charging performance is one of the key elements of wireless earphones in determining their overall quality and competitiveness. Our new MOSFET will contribute greatly to the increase of charging stability.” Mr. Kim added: “Based on our research and development capabilities progressed over the last several years, MagnaChip sees this sector as an excellent opportunity to diversify our target markets and we will continue to offer top quality MOSFET products for diverse applications.”

About MagnaChip Semiconductor
MagnaChip is a designer and manufacturer of analog and mixed-signal semiconductor platform solutions for communications, IoT, consumer, industrial and automotive applications. The Company’s Standard Products Group and Foundry Services Group provide a broad range of standard products and manufacturing services to customers worldwide. MagnaChip, with about 40 years of operating history, owns a portfolio of approximately 3,000 registered patents and pending applications, and has extensive engineering, design and manufacturing process expertise. For more information, please visit www.magnachip.com.


United States (Investor Relations):
Bruce Entin
Entin Consulting
Tel. +1-408-625-1262

USA media / industry analysts:
Mike Newsom
LouVan Communications, Inc.
Tel. +1-617-803-5385

Korea / Asia media:
Chankeun Park
Director of Public Relations
Tel. +82-2-6903-5223